i-MBA supports the “Athens ExtroVision Forum 2016“, which will take place at the HERMES hall of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Thursday, April 21st 2016, 17.00 – 20.00.
The main subject of the Conference, which is organized by the Hellenic Institute of Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development (IEA), is the «Extroversion of Greek entrepreneurship: Vision & Reality». Its organization is based on the standards of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 20121.
The conference focuses on the dilemmas of entrepreneurs with regards to starting a new business in Greece and/or abroad, as well as on all relevant functional, intellectual property, financial and tax issues that an entrepreneur might face. It aims to demonstrate the potential and flexibility created when an enterprise participates, via a synergy, in business networks, both within and across borders, responding to the question whether the extroversion of Greek enterprises is the only opportunity to their further development. Additionally, there will be a discussion on issues concerning the Greek business culture as well as the legal and general regulatory framework for enterprises and corporate governance.
Key topics:
The main topics to be addressed during the conference include the following:
- Presentation of Greek Legal Forms & Synergy and Networking Models of Greek enterprises.
- Incorporating abroad.
- Financial & Tax Issues of Greek Legal Forms & Synergy models.
- Trademark, Patents & IPs: «the Company’s Treasure».
- Innovation, RnD and e-Business as “Made in Greece” products.
- Success Stories of Greek Legal Entities & Synergies.
The Conference is addressed to entrepreneurs and companies with extrovert strategic and investment policy, potential entrepreneurs, senior executives of Greek and International Private Sector, institutional delegates, senior executives of Greek Public Organizations, Foreign Ambassadors and Commercial Attaches, Financial Institution Representatives, academics and experts.
For further information on participation, you may contact Mrs. Aphrodite Damianou (tel:+30 (210) 51 21 021, email: www.iea.org.gr) and Mrs. Gregoria Pagiavla (tel: +30 (210) 82 22 717, email: lawfirm@apetropoulos.eu) or visit www.iea.org.gr and www.extrovision.iea.org.gr .