Indicative FSP

Convenience Stores in Attica: Market Mapping and Commercial Strategy Proposal for P&G Products

In the last few years has been observed a sharp increase in the turnover of convenience stores, although their number is slightly decreasing. The aim of this project is to map this market, evaluate the underlying opportunities and arrive at an efficient commercial strategy for P&G products. For the market mapping section of this project, a thorough and systematic store-check in the Attica region has been conducted. The selection of the stores that were visited was based on statistical methods and their geographical dispersion. The focus of the store-checks addresses, through specific and structured questionnaires, inter alias the following: a) store metrics (number of categories of handled products, presence of P&G/ competitive products, contribution of products/ categories to turnover, etc) , b) current preferred supplier (C&C, wholesaler, jobber), c) consumer profile and unique services offered. After careful consideration of the issues arisen and systematic analysis of the data collected, an attempt is made to come to a comprehensive and financially sound commercial strategy proposal comprising the following: a) P&G Pricing Policy: type and size of discounts to be offered, b) Product Assortment to be offered and c) Coverage and Distribution: possibility of dedicated sales force, ex-van sales etc.

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