Message from the Director

Offered by the top Economics & Business University in Greece, AUEB’s MBA International Program (i-MBA) is a vibrant and innovative MBA that offers a personalized, technology-focused and strongly networked educational experience that will empower your future.

Founded in 1998, accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) since 2005, and with graduates working across the globe, the program is the highest ranked MBA in Greece (QS, Eduniversal) enjoying an excellent reputation in the market internationally.

Focusing on the individual learner, your MBA degree can be personalized and tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each student. We offer a wide variety of learning opportunities including a rich portfolio of elective courses, optional Concentrations in the timeliest areas of business, a Personal Skills Development program, several options for the graduation projects, career development and career coaching activities, company days, and study trips.

You will meet, study and learn with fellow students from Greece and abroad coming from a broad variety of professions, industries and academic backgrounds. Together with the large community of graduates, actively involved in the program through guest lectures, graduation projects and networking events, you become part of the i-MBA community for life.

The curriculum dynamically evolves to match the trends of the ever-changing market and to prepare our students for the most sought qualifications and professional profiles, including gateways to several professional certifications. At the same time, the program’s faculty and staff are always available to provide their continuous and direct support to our students.

Consequently, students are not only satisfied with the academic dimension of the i-MBA, but also get a broad return and great value for the time and money they invest in their studies. Graduates enjoy excellent career prospects, and the employment statistics indicate the attractiveness of the MBA International degree in the market.

The i-MBA is set to change your life. It will give you the knowledge, skills and confidence you need to analyze challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the global business environment, and to formulate and implement innovative and effective strategies in times characterized by important technological, societal and environmental shifts. The MBA International degree will help you cultivate your entrepreneurial capabilities, gain an international perspective, grow your technology savviness, and strengthen your interpersonal, managerial and leadership skills.

If you are internationally oriented and an active pursuer of professional advancement and personal growth, with strong intellectual ability and academic performance, all combined with an interest in societal issues, we warmly invite you to join our program.

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Professor Eric Soderquist

MBA International Program Director

Current Distinctions & Awards