Ι-MBA among the Top Masters in International Management globally

Ι-MBA was selected among the Top 200 Best Masters in International Management globally for the year 2013-14, being in the 13th place in Western Europe. The ranking was based on a survey, run by Eduniversal, an information platform which offers students trustable reference about the 4000 best Masters and MBA Programs from the best 1000 business schools and universities in 9 geographical zones.

Schools that participate in the survey are requested to provide information in the aspects of courses, students, teaching staff, accreditations, applications, networks, career prospects, salary, continuing education, distance learning and international orientation. The methodologies applied to each ranking are based mainly on the following criteria: a. the reputation of the program, b. the salary of the first employment and c. students’ satisfaction.

The program’s reputation is evaluated according to the opinion of international HR professionals. The information regarding the career prospects and the salary of the first employment after graduation is provided by the schools and universities and verified by Eduniversal. Salary is indexed to a comparable homogeneity, taking into account the different purchasing power between countries and zones. The level of students’ satisfaction is measured based on the feedback of recent graduates of each program.

Other points that are taken into account is the possibility to do an internship or to work abroad, the different nationalities represented in each class, initiatives related to continuing education and distance learning etc.

To find out more, please visit http://www.best-masters.com/

Except for the MBA International Program, 6 more programs of AUEB were selected among the Top Programs in their related fields (e.g. Accounting and Finance, Economics, Marketing etc), placing AUEB in the 20th position globally on the 4 Palmes League (Top Business Schools).

Further information is available at http://www.eduniversal-ranking.com/

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