The objective of the project was to propose a new vertical market for the promotion of ERP and Content Management solutions by INTERSYS S.A. and the creation of a Business Unit which will cover the need for the aforementioned systems in the selected market. The first part of the study describes the methodology upon which the market of machinery and equipment wholesales was selected for the further development of the business plan. From the results of the market research it is concluded that the selected target market is not suitable for utilization for the promotion of Content Management solutions. In the business plan, the creation of a new Business Unit in the existing frame of INTERSYS is proposed, which will promote the ERP solutions in the target market of machinery and equipment wholesales. Taking into account the market analysis for the target market and the internal and external environment of the Business Unit, the Project Team proposes the corporate and marketing strategy that will enable the Business Unit to obtain an adequate level of sales and succeed in yielding profits and satisfactory performance to the investors. Finally, a risk and sensitivity analysis is performed in order to check the viability of the plan in case the sales expectations are not reached.
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