This Field Study Project aims to provide a methodological approach to developing the essential framework for aligning the core strategy of organizations, and more specifically of Local Government Authorities (Municipalities), with their daily actions. Therefore the name of the Project is “Methodology for Operational Development Aligned with Strategy” or MODAS. The Project Team, consisting of five iMBA FT19 students, worked in close collaboration with ITMC S.A. Management Consultants and had to quickly get familiar with the overall services of the company, the performance management software needed for implementing the MODAS (QPR Software) and to fully understand the strategic and operational needs and capabilities of the end client, which in this case was the Municipality of Amarousion. Afterwards, the team effectively implemented the MODAS step by step from clarifying the Municipality’s existing strategy, developing the Strategy Map through the Balanced Scorecard Methodology, selecting the Key Performance Indicators to be monitored and setting up a fully functional pilot version of the model that is currently accessible through the web. The ITMC’s final proposal which was shaped by the Project Team’s efforts, is currently being evaluated by the Municipality and in case of acceptance, it will lead to a cooperation that can be very fruitful for both parties.
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