MBA International is proud to be a Knowledge Partner at the 8th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium, “Rethinking Energy: The new state of play for a secure and sustainable future”, organized by the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics from September 27th to 29th, 2023, at the French Institute of Greece in Athens.
The Conference, which has become a tradition in the energy dialogue, will bring together a plethora of distinguished personalities from the energy sector, while providing a platform for academics, doctoral students, and professionals active in the energy field to present their research work on energy transition and innovative green technologies.
To attend the conference in person, please register here.
For any further information, visit the official page of the conference here or contact at: haee2023@haee.gr
Please find below the links to the live stream of the Conference on YouTube for each day.
8th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium | Plenary Sessions Day 1
url: https://www.youtube.com/live/uD-WPXxh1Uc?si=vvAllwEkY8tz1gBw
8th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium | Plenary Sessions Day 2
url: https://www.youtube.com/live/5E0qECx6opY?si=6e4GRwIh4qsiyXV8
8th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium | Concurrent Sessions Day 2
url: https://www.youtube.com/live/ifOFpjYMJ6k?si=aF52AF4NwCh8Ofkx
8th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium | Plenary Sessions Day 3
url: https://www.youtube.com/live/jyByXkR7r6Y?si=zhn0rZ689A0DXImj
8th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium, “Rethinking Energy: The new state of play for a secure and sustainable future”
The multiple and consecutive crises in economic, health, but mainly the energy sectors, combined with unprecedented climate conditions and floods that our country recently experienced, have highlighted a series of parameters that require vigilance, international community reflection, as well as immediate pan-European and national action. The rapid implementation of green policies in combination with enhancing energy security through diversification of energy sources are at the heart of political and academic dialogue, shaping the path towards the Green Transition and sustainability.
The great management classic Peter Drucker believed that there are four timelines: past, present, the future, and the future that has become the past, highlighting the dizzying planetary transformation. The energy sector is undergoing a profound transformation with strong dynamics, critical social dimensions, and significant geopolitical importance. The transition to the era of 4D, characterized by Decarbonization, Decentralized Production, Digitalization, and Energy Democracy, requires a common energy vision and strategy. Energy constitutes a complex developmental space with social, economic, legal, political, and geopolitical implications that interact with human beings and demand complex thinking and qualifications.
The implementation of REPowerEU is in full swing, with new investments under development, and the adoption of new strategies such as the Net-Zero Industry Act and the Critical Raw Materials Act shapes the EU’s long-term planning. Greece’s new energy targets through the Climate Law and the revision of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) will lay the foundation for the development of renewable energy sources (RES), energy networks, energy storage, and the introduction of new technologies like green hydrogen, biomethane, and offshore wind farms. Energy serves as the driving force of the global economy and is a fundamental element of geopolitical power.