MBA International invites Mr. Mario Lelovsky for a guest lecture about Digitalization on the 22nd of March, 2019 . Mr. Lelovsky is the central figure behind digitalization in Slovakia, since he is the first vice-president of the IT Association of Slovakia and also the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Digital Coalition in Slovakia, a coalition that brings together partners from the state, private, non-profit, and academic sectors to prepare Slovaks of all ages for work and life in the emerging digital economy.
MBA International will welcome Mr. Lelovsky for a presentation and discussion about Digital Transformation in Slovakia with the i-MBA students.
Mr. Lelovsky will visit Athens in the context of the business forum focusing on digitalization “Digital policy for better lives” which is organized by the Embassies of Slovakia, Canada, the Republic of Korea and Netherlands as a public side-event of 4th OECD Ministerial Meeting on Regional Development.