
Public Speaking Seminars for the i-MBA Alumni!

Public Speaking Seminars for the i-MBA Alumni!

Alumni logoAs effective communication becomes one of the top skills to have nowadays, the i-MBA Alumni Association is organizing a series of public speaking seminars on 24 November and 1 December 2017 18:00-21:30 (Building of Post Graduate Studies of AUEB, 8th floor, room 802).

The purpose of this initiative is to assist current students and the alumni of our network in building confidence when they speak in public by getting feedback from some of the most acclaimed Greek public speakers and trainers.

Participants will be informed via e-mail about the subject they have to prepare and they will have to give a presentation to a panel of experts. They will get feedback on the spot and will have the chance to learn from the best how to deliver better presentations and communicate their ideas effectively.

To participate in the seminars, alumni should be active members of the i-MBA alumni association and send an e-mail at info@i-mbalumni.com so as to express interest and learn the details of the seminar.

To maintain the high quality of the seminar, seating is limited and will be served on a first-come-first served basis. So, contact us as soon as possible!


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