CAPITALS Circle Group in cooperation with Technopolis-City of Athens along with the MBA International and the Management Science Lab of the Athens University of Economics and Business co-organize the Forum “The Future of EU Economy & the role of Greece in EU in the day after EU/EP Elections”, that will take place in Metropolitan College, Athens on 23rd May 2019 at 17:30.
In the forum will participate politicians, members of the European Parliament and MEP candidates from the main European Parliament Groups, academics and business executives in an interactive dialogue. European Elections and the future of Europe concerns everyone.
Forum Agenda (17:30 to 20:30)
Welcome speech from Organizers and Co-organizers
1st ΕU Policy Panel
- Manolis Kefalogiannis, Member, Group of the European People’s Party, ND
- Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Confederal Group of the European United Left, SYRIZA
- Professor George Ioannou, Director of Management Science Laboratory, Athens University of Economics and Business
- Yannis Salavopoulos, MBA, CEO, CCG GmbH (CEO, Global Sustain GmbH) & Lecturer for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, PR, Leadership (Berlin)
- Professor, Dr. Kostas Ifantis, Professor of International Relations, Panteion University of Athens & Kadir Has University, Istanbul
- Nikos Androulakis. Member, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (Tentative)
2nd Panel
- Nikos Giannis, MEP candidate, ND
- Yannos Mitsos, Senior Advisor, SEV
- Kostas Kollias, President of the Economic Chamber of Greece (E.C.G.) (Tentative)
- Angelos Pagkratis, Chief Economic Diplomacy, European External Action Service (Requested)
Networking Get together (20:30-21:30)
Co-organizers: Technopolis- City of Athens, MBA International- AUEB, Management Science Laboratory- AUEB
Supporters: Metropolitan College, Real Metal & Shipping Gas
Communication Partners: Euro2day.gr, Foreignaffairs.gr, GlobalSustaingroup.com, Crisismonitor.gr
Online registration https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/60920651308
Free entrance