CAPITALS Circle Group in cooperation with Innovathens co-organize the 4th CCG Tech Dialogue Initiative in Greece focused on The Tech Growth Challenge forum. Tech Investments, ScaleUP Startups & Ecosystem. Participants will meet and get an insight of the topics discussed from Investors, Tech Startups, Tech corporates, policy makers and media, as well as senior speakers from Berlin Tech Ecosystem and Greece.
Forum Agenda
A National Policy/Strategy for Digital Transformation, GR/Athens Digital Economy & Tech Ecosystem. Best Practices from other countries.
- Stergios Pitsiorlas, Alternate Minister, Ministry for Economy & Development
- Lois Labrianidis, General Secretary for Strategic & Private Investments, Ministry of Economy & Development
- George Kaminis, Mayor, City of Athens
- Kostis Hatzidakis, Vice President, New Democracy, MP, GR Parliament, F. Minister (Requested)
- Dr. George Ioannou, Director, Management Science Laboratory, AUEB
- Yannis Gianarakis, General Manager, HAMAC
- Maria Nikotsiou, Journalist, Alpha TV, Alpha Radio, 9.89
How to achieve Digital Transformation of corporates, SMEs, ScaleUP the Tech Ecosystem & attract Tech Investments/Startups, achieve Tech Success Stories & Exits. Best practices from developed Tech Ecosystems.
- ScaleUP the Tech Ecosystem, developing an entrepreneurial culture, creating new Tech Success Stories & Exits, attracting Venture Capitals/Funds & Tech Firms. Best practices from developed Tech Ecosystems
- Tom Lautenbacher, CEO, Space Shack, Innovative Coworking Space, Former Startupper (Berlin)
- Yannis Salavopoulos, MBA, CEO, CCG GmbH (CEO, Global Sustain GmbH) & Lecturer for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, PR, Leadership (Berlin)
- Kostas Champidis, Chief Technology Officer, City of Athens.
- Filippos Zakopoulos, Managing Partner, Found.ation
- Antonis Oikonomou, Managing Director, INNOVATHENS powered by Samsung
- Socrates Ploussas, President, Hellenic Startup Association
- Presentation of a Benchmark Analysis of London VS Berlin Vs Athens Tech Ecosystems by CAPITALS Circle Group.
Third Thematic Field. The Digital Transformation Challenge cross-sectoral, Tech Investments, VC Fundraising, Partnerships with Tech Corporates, Scale a Tech Firm globally?
The Investor Approach, VC – Startups Relations & the Deal process.
- Dr. Katerina Pramatari, Partner, UniFund (Venture Capital) & As. Prof. AUEB
- George Karantonis, Managing Partner, Metavallon Venture Capital
- Tech Corporates & Startups Collaboration Schemes
- Gerasimos Michalitsis, Head New Ventures, Intrasoft International
- How Tech Firms & Startups Establish Models, Fundraise, Grow & Go Global
- Dimitris Litsikakis, Country Manager, Revolut
- Fotis Talantzis, CEO & Co-Founder, Novoville
- Christos Tsounis, CEO, Tech Talent
- Moe Dorfner, CEO, EIFAS GmbH (FinTech Startup, Berlin)
Forum Powered by CAPITALS Circle Group in cooperation with INNOVATHENS powered by Samsung.
Forum Communication & Corporate Partners: 9,84 Radio, Euro2day.gr, Global Sustain, Crisis Monitor, Bankscom.gr, Hrima, Hrima Week, Found.ation, Academy of Entrepreneurship, Tourismtoday.gr
Forum Institutional Partners: HAMAC, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, ESYNE
Forum Academic Partners: MBA International- AUEB, Management Science Laboratory AUEB
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Please contact us in case of interest for forum partnership/sponsorship under: pr@capitalscirclegroup.com or +6972897227 or +491636750858.