i-MBA, in collaboration with The Centre for Sustainability in Excellence (CSE), announce the 1st Student Competition on “Ideas for Sustainable Startups”.
Groups of 2-3 students, at least one of them a student in the i-MBA or Executive MBA programs of AUEB, are invited to propose an idea for starting a new business with social and/or environmental impact. Idea proposals should submitted by December 4th 2017.
Upon approval of the idea summary, they should submit a 10 page document, describing the idea accompanied by a brief presentation. Full proposals should be submitted by March 5th 2018.
Indicative examples of sustainable topics iclude: Waste management, waste reuse and circular thinking; Energy and Carbon Conservation; Youth unemployment; Poverty / Hunger; Inequality / social exclusion.
The two winning teams (Gold and Silver Sustainable Startup Idea) will be announced and awarded at the 3rd iMBA & CSE Annual Sustainability Summit in March 2018.
Further information is available here.