This project is a business plan for the establishment of a spin-off company by the researchers of the Catalytic – Photocatalytic Processes Laboratory of the Physical-Chemistry Institute of the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. The target is to commercially exploit the research efforts of the researchers on the technology of photocatalytic degradation of toxic waste, a technology that is both effective and absolutely “environmental-friendly”.
According to the business plan there will be toxic waste treatment units established in the installations of NCSR “Demokritos”. The company will operate in the Greek market of environmental protection and will be able to effectively treat toxic wastes that today are collected and transferred abroad for treatment. The customers of the company will be mainly the companies that offer environmental services, but also companies that produce toxic waste due to their production processes.
For the presentation of the investment proposition in a manner that shows the viability and prospect of the company, the business opportunity and the business model that will be adopted are presented by emphasizing on the competitive advantages of the company. These advantages are mainly its technological superiority, the proven experience of its personnel on the particular technology and the infrastructures of NCSR “Demokritos” that will be used.
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