The project aims at providing ARMAOS METAPHORIKI (I. FIRIGOS Ltd.), a road transport SME operating for over 30 years, with a concrete reorganization proposal in the form of a Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with the ISO 9001 :2000 standard. The project consists of 4 Work Packages (WPs): Diagnostic Study comprising an analysis of current company activities, processes and practices as well as a thorough study of the new ISO 9000:2000; Organisation of Project Team comprising information initiatives addressing the expected benefits and requirements associated to the implementation of the proposed QMS activities, targeting the company management and personnel; Analysis & Design of the proposed QMS involving analysis and redesign of company processes according to existing and anticipated company needs, in accordance to ISO 9000:2000 standard; Drafting of Quality Assurance Manual. It comprises the consolidation of proposed Procedures, Work Instructions and company documents within a QA Manual.
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