The present field study project is divided in two parts: In Part I, after a short presentation of the Exhibition Organization industry, to which ROTA belongs, the present situation of the company is analysed and a number of management tools are presented. Using these tools and based on the objectives for the enhancement of the operation of the finance department, a three-level proposal is synthesised in order to re-plan the department and stress its the critical role in the operational function of ROTA. In Part II, an evaluation of the value of the company is conducted, using the eVal software. Three different scenarios are analysed regarding the future course of basic indices of the company and, based on the projections, three alternative estimations of the value of the company are presented. Finally, an analysis of the basic financial ratios of the company based on the financial statements of the last 5 fiscal years is realised, as well as a risk analysis, in order to examine the variability of the results of the valuation (the latter using the @Risk software).
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