Indicative FSP

Transforming ELOT’s website into a powerful marketing vehicle

The project focuses on the improvement of ELOT’s web site in order to transform it into a powerful promotional tool and ultimately improve the operations of the company. The study is based on following the first steps needed for the execution of an e-marketing plan which are a situational analysis and the ensuing SWOT and on conducting a two-face market research relative to on- line services. The first face delves into the on-line practices followed by 54 local and foreign organizations, which take action in the same business fields. This analysis results in qualitative and quantitative findings. The second face constitutes a series of 26 in-depth interviews given by ELOT online and offline customers. The interviews give an insight from a variety of angles regarding customer problems, expectations and demands as well as suggested ideas. The study continues with some straightforward proposals based on the established theory that was thoroughly investigated before any other action. Finally it describes the constraints met throughout the project methodology and reviews briefly some future directions, which will give ELOT a competitive edge. The project finishes with commentaries concerning managerial awareness of soft issues of strategic importance for the successful implementation of the new business model.

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