This project consisted of a mapping and modelling of the process of issuing permits for energy production by the R.A.E. aiming to improve the speed of processing the applications and the efficiency of the procedure. The activities that comprise the process were recorded through data collection and interviews with the responsible staff members. In order to map the process, the IDEF methodology was used: IDEF3 for mapping the processes supervised by the Unit of Decision Processing and Documentation and IDEF1x for the creation of an entity-relationship model to depict data needed and the relationships between entities. The software used was BPwin for process mapping and Erwin for data modelling.
The study resulted in a detailed mapping of the process of permit issuing and an identification of potential weaknesses of the process. Propositions were developed concerning how to implement process mapping and modelling in all of RAE’s processes and functions (including data gathering related to overall resources and time considerations) aiming at the most effective implementation of its operational objectives and targets.
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