We have the great pleasure to announce that through the generous contribution of ION S.A. Cocoa and Chocolate Manufacturers, two full scholarships of 9.700 Euros each for the Full Time MBA International Program will be granted to two students for the academic year of 2020-21 (September 2020 intake), and to an additional two students for the academic year of 2021-22 (September 2021 intake).
The scholarships concern Greek students and are based on academic excellence as measured by the Bachelor’s degree GPA, from a Greek university. The scholarships cannot be combined with any other scholarship or third-party funding of the studies in the MBA International Program.
More precisely, the criteria for selection are the following:
- Candidate applying to the Full Time program,
- Candidate of Greek nationality,
- Candidate admissible based on all the academic, professional and other formal requirements according to the MBA International Call for Applications, including face-to-face interview,
- Candidates demonstrating excellent academic performance in his/her undergraduate studies, as measured by the GPA score obtained from a Greek University,
- Candidate is not receiver of any other scholarship or third-party funding of any kind for studying in the MBA International Program,
- Candidate does not have any professional ties with a direct or indirect competitor of ION S.A. Cocoa and Chocolate Manufacturers.
Eligible candidates will be listed in hierarchical order, and the scholarships will be given to the two students that score highest on criteria 4; academic excellence in their undergraduate studies.
The decision to award the scholarships is taken by a 3-member committee, consisting of the Director of the Program and two additional faculty members, who are also members of the Program’s Interdepartmental Steering Committee.