6th Annual Sustainability Summit on “Carbon Neutrality in Greece: The New Goal towards a Circular Economy”
On Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 18:00, the MBA International in collaboration with CSE, the Center for Sustainability and Excellence, organizes the 6th Annual Sustainability Summit on “Carbon Neutrality in Greece: The New Goal towards a Circular Economy”.
Welcome address
- Eric Soderquist, Director, MBA International, AUEB
- Professor Vasilios Vasdekis, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs and Personnel, AUEB
- Nikos Avlonas, President of Center for Sustainability & Excellence (CSE), Visiting Professor on Sustainability, MBA International (AUEB)
- Konstantinos Aravossis, Secretary General of Natural Environment & Water, Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy
Keynote Speakers
- Urs Brodmann, CEO, First Climate
- Chrysanthi Berbati, Head of Group Planning, IR and ESG, Piraeus Bank
- Eleni Andreadi, Group Director of Sustainability and CSR, Sani Resort
- Theocharis Parisis, Group Head of Marketing, ALUMIL
Presentation on Research Project from the i-MBA Sustainable Development and Circular Economy Club
Business Awards for innovative environmental projects. Corporate Social Responsibility/ Circular Economy
i-MBA Student Award
To register, please use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_J9TQhRX2TU6_Y6lV2nhN4A
The event is supported by: insider.gr, epixeiro.gr, iene.gr and energia.gr